Kelly Moore is the leading paint
and paint supply retailer on the West Coast.
The problem
Kelly Moore is an established paint resource from everyone to DIY’ers and contractors alike. In the new year, Color Marketing manager Shannon Kaye reached out to Cut Collective to provide a variety of photo & video content.
This started with launching the DTC Kelly Moore Paint Shop. The original Kelly Moore paint website is a contractor specific shopping experience. This leaves the everyday shopper either finding Kelly Moore on resale sites, shopping only in-store, or not shopping KM at all.
Cut Collective came in to add a sense of life and Shopify site to get the brand into the 21st century.
Where we started
A part of the new kellymooreshop.com launch, the brand also wanted to produce a national campaign for the shop, airing on Labor Day on select networks.
Cut Collective worked hand-in-hand with Shannon on creating the scene. This involved sourcing on-camera talent, location, painters, photo and video talent.

We wanted the story to be about how Kelly Moore is the obvious option for picking up paint, supplies, and getting the job done yourself.
Our objective goals were to highlight the launch of the shop, grabbing your supplies is as easy as typing Kelly Moore, showing our model Gigi doing it herself, and finally loving the colors and empowering her to do it again.
This project came together in under 48 hours with imagery and video spanning many verticals.

Anthony and Gigi on-set for Kelly Moore.
Watch the commercial here ︎︎︎
Cut Collective comes in to help Kelly Moore on a variety of DTC projects spanning imagery, copy, and product.